True You Cards


Let go of unhelpful thoughts⁠ – True You Cards are a healthy habit-forming practice designed for life. Repeat your cycle in any order, as often as you feel the call for calm.

Establish meaningful daily rituals⁠ – Pick a card, any card, because wisdom is imbued in every consciously crafted card. Carry your chosen card with you as you go about your day, or display it in a spot that your eye is often drawn to. Pause and reflect on your card little and often. Let each word guide your mind back to the True You.

Nurture your mindfulness⁠ – What if we told you that you could completely transform your life with 15-minutes of mindful meditation each day? Studies show that even the smallest commitment to a daily mindfulness practice has the power to significantly reduce your stress, enhance your decision making and quiet anxious thoughts.

Strengthen your relationships⁠ – Are you ready to be free of the feeling that you always have to ‘work’ to improve yourself? You’ve read all the self-help books, watched a million motivational videos, downloaded that “life-changing” app your friend told you about, so why are you still searching for a ‘better you’? Here’s a hint. Your busy mind is exhausted.

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True You Cards are a healthy habit-forming practice designed for life. Repeat your cycle in any order, as often as you feel the call for calm. 

Pick a card, any card, because wisdom is imbued in every consciously crafted card. 

Carry your chosen card with you as you go about your day, or display it in a spot that your eye is often drawn to. 

Pause and reflect on your card little and often. Let each word guide your mind back to the True You.