Trusting Our Mind To Heal Itself

What if we trusted our mind to heal itself the way the body heals from a cut? A scar is experience, but it’s no longer an open wound. Not every wound requires an intervention.

We haven’t really been trained to trust ourselves when it comes to problems of the mind, have we? Trust in the knowing that our mind is always in a process of trying to self correct and return to a place of peace. A place which is its natural state. In some areas of life, doing nothing is actually significant work. How many things have you tried or self help books have you read trying to fix some aspect of your life?⁠

In nature the idea of “the path of least resistance” is the way water flows naturally where there is nothing standing in its way. Today reflect on trusting your mind to heal itself. What might that path of least resistance look like?⁠


Confidence Versus Insecurity


Thought Created Separate Realities