Unity In Our Shared Origins

Knowing that we all come into this world tender, vulnerable, and crying out for love doesn’t justify our actions as adults. But it reminds us of our unity of origin. Unity in the need for showing and receiving love. Compassion starts there.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all imagined each other as babies in moments of prejudice, pain or conflict? Love is our default state only clouded by thought and judgement.⁠

Witnessing my daughter’s birth was a moment where I felt most vulnerable. Welcoming new life. After being in the hospital for a week, when she arrived I wondered, “who will you become?” She’s almost seven now and I remind myself to praise her character not her appearance.⁠

“Papa, how do I look?” She’ll ask after putting a bow in her hair. “You look kind. You look strong. You look patient. You look compassionate.” Praising character over vanity is how we teach our children to look past appearance of self and others as they grow into adults affecting our future culture, and the ripple effect of their actions.⁠


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